The Elusive Samurai gets immersive trailer set in medieval Japan

Monteiro - 22 April 2024

Directed by Yuta Yamazaki and with Yasushi Nishiya as character designer, this anime is an adaptation of the manga originally released in 2021 by Shonen Jump. Set between the Kamakura and Muromachi eras, during the Kemmu Restoration, the story marks the return of civilian government after nearly a century of military rule in Japan.

The plot follows the journey of Hojo Toriyuki, destined to be the heir of the Kamakura Shogunate, but who loses his homeland and family in a rebellion. Accompanied by Yorishige Suwa, a Shinto priest from Shinano, Tokiyuki sets out on a journey to forge his own destiny.

The Elusive Samurai” premieres in Japan in July of this year.